Avoid trademark problems and secure your online store with our help

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And stay alert for the new ones that are on their way!You can focus on what matters most: your customers and your products. Create safe and exciting products for your market, and let our intelligent systems take care of the rest. You will save time, money, and energy while increasing your sales and customer satisfaction.

Staying ahead of potential legal issues has never been easier.

Run Analysis

Review Report

Take Corrective Action
Avoid litigation and losses with our proprietary product listings analysis. Identify trademark or copyright infringement before they become a problem.

Why Choose Tmbrella?
We simplify the complex task of ensuring your product listings are copyright and trademark compliant, giving you peace of mind and safety.
Genuine and analyzed data, refreshed every day
Trademarks in database
Trademark Categories
In copyright phrases
Different integrations
Tmbrella offers you a range of features that help you secure your online business from various threats and risks
Product Scan
Trademark Alert
Trademark Monitoring
Simple Integration
Discover how our clients have benefited from Tmbrella’s features and services, saving time and money by avoiding any legal risks with their products and listings.
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Pricing plans to fit any merchant’s need. Free plan available with limited functionality.
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